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Call for Proposals – 2017 Salmon Recovery Funding Board Grants

Call for Proposals – 2017 Salmon Recovery Funding Board Grants

Posted February 13th, 2017

Would you like to see thriving salmon populations in your local rivers and streams? Do you have an idea for a salmon habitat restoration project in your community?   If so, you will be pleased to know that the Chehalis Basin Lead Entity is soliciting applications for Salmon Recovery Funding Board projects for the 2017 grant year.

What is a salmon habitat restoration project?

Salmon habitat restoration can occur in many ways.

Bad_culvertThe most common restoration actions that have taken place in the Chehalis Basin over the past few decades have been culvert corrections. Undersized and poorly constructed culverts impede salmon passage, making it impossible for an adult salmon to access spawning habitat, or for a juvenile salmon to access feeding areas.  By correcting barrier culverts, we allow a stream to fully use its channel and salmon to fully use their habitat.

Other types of projects that benefit salmon include planting native vegetation along degraded stream banks, reconnecting side-channels with a river main stem, placing tree trunks and large branches in creeks, creating in-stream pools and removing invasive plant species from streambanks. Acquisition of land containing key habitats that are either in pristine condition or could benefit from restoration are also eligible for these grants.

Stream_Habitat_Guidelines_screenshotTo access a wealth of information on what a salmon habitat restoration project can look like and what it takes to develop one, see the Salmon Habitat Restoration Guidelines document (WDFW, 2012)

How much funding is available for projects?

The minimum amount of funding eligible applicants can apply for is $5,000. There is no maximum, but the total amount available for all projects in the river basin is approximately $500,000. Each grant needs to be “matched” with other funds, equivalent to 15% of the total project cost.

How do I apply?

To apply, eligible applicants must submit a project form to the Chehalis Lead Entity by April 3rd, 2017. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Lead Entity Coordinator, Kirsten Harma, at kharma@chehalistribe.org, to discuss their project idea.

To learn more about who is eligible to apply for funding, what kinds of projects are eligible, and other details, visit For Grant Applicants,. To learn more about salmon recovery funding in Washington and the state’s Salmon Recovery Funding Board, see their website:

Click here to download grant application materials directly from the RCO website.





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